Safe driving tips

Safe driving tips

How can I drive safely?

Safe driving should always be our number one concern. We’re more distracted than ever, so it’s important to know the basics of safe driving and practice them every time you’re on the road.

For most people, driving is a necessity. You go to work, run errands and take the kids to school, but every time you do, you take a risk. Millions of car accidents occur every year, tens of thousands of which are fatal. Even cautious drivers can end up in collisions. Because you may take safeguards to save both your life and the lives of others, defensive driving is crucial. Driving is a task that requires constant attention as the driver is responsible for the safety of his passengers. A careless and reckless driver endangers the safety of his passengers, while a careful and attentive driver increases his passengers’ chances of reaching their destination.

Always remember S.A.F.E.R. The drive

S – Space
A – Attitude
F – Foresight
E – Vision
R – Responsibility

S – Space

On busy roads, use the two-second rule to keep enough distance from the car in front.
Delay. If you drive too fast, you have less time to react and the severity of the accident increases. Follow posted speed limits. Most drivers know that speeding is one of the most common causes of accidents, but driving too slowly can also be dangerous. If in doubt, drive at a speed consistent with most other vehicles.

A – Attitude

Keep a cool head in traffic!
Be patient and courteous to other drivers.
Don’t take the actions of other drivers personally.
Do not hit other cars.

F – Foresight

Make yourself visible. Many accidents happen because the drivers do not see the other car. There are a few simple ways to make your presence known and make the road safer for everyone. They include:

Turn Signals: Use your turn signals to let other drivers know where you are going. By using your turn signals, other drivers can anticipate your actions and slow down safely.

Headlights: Turn on your headlights when it gets dark or rains. This is more so that other drivers see you rather than you seeing the road.

Brake lights: Working brake lights are a safety requirement. They warn the cars behind you when you slow down and signal them to slow down too.
Avoid blind spots: Do not stand in areas where the driver in front of you cannot see you. Many people just look in the mirror before changing lanes. If you’re lurking in a lane directly behind another vehicle, assume the driver of that car can’t see you. Accelerate or slow down carefully to avoid this scenario, which often results in an accident. This is an important defensive driving technique.

E – Vision

Keep your eyes on the road and focus. Make sure you are always alert and careful.

Driving requires your full attention. Do not try to multitask while driving. Avoid distractions such as adjusting the radio or other controls, eating or drinking, and talking on the phone or texting.
Never use an electronic device, including a cell phone, while operating a motor vehicle. The reaction time of a driver talking on a cell phone is just as delayed as a driver who is legally intoxicated.
Secure loads that may move while driving. Do not try to pick up objects that fall on the floor. Have all necessary items such as customs units, payment cards and workshop cards at hand.

Safe driving tips

R – Responsibility

Anticipate errors from other drivers and be ready to react. Be prepared to defend yourself if an error is made.
Keep an eye on the actions of other drivers and prepare for the unexpected.
Recognize that other drivers will make risky decisions, and be ready to stop them at any costs.
Always buckle up, and always drive when sober and drug-free.
How may I stay out of a car crash?
One of the most devastating collisions can be a simple rear-end collision. Here are some ways to avoid the backlog:
Look further up the road and spot stationary traffic long before the vehicle in front of you brakes.

Check your mirrors more often. Drivers should check their mirrors every five to eight seconds and then again when slowing or stopping. When stopping at a traffic light or stop sign, always look in your rearview mirror to ensure that the vehicles behind you are also stopping.

When braking, identify an escape route. Consider the shoulder, sidewalk, curb, left turn lane, or other safe route where you can avoid a loading vehicle.

When stopping, allow two to three vehicle lengths between you and the vehicle in front of you. If you drive directly behind the vehicle in front of you, you have locked yourself into a potential danger zone and have no way to escape.
While standing still, imagine what you might do if the vehicle behind you doesn’t stop on time. Remember that you have to release the brake and steer where you want. Most drivers simply brake harder as an instinctive reaction to a collision when rear-ended. Unfortunately, that is the wrong answer. Be prepared to accelerate and steer where you want.

Since you can’t predict what other drivers will do, these tips can give you more time and a better ability to react to unexpected situations.

As a novice driver, how should I drive?

What transpired in your initial driving instructions? Delightful preserve
During your first driving lesson, what did you do? You will likely acquire some fundamental skills during your first class, such as adjusting the seat and mirrors to suit your needs. In order to navigate and secure the car, you will also learn how to operate the handbrake, gear, and, of course, the fundamentals of clutch operation.
How can I drive with proper steering? Slow down and keep as far to the right as you can while you’re about to turn. Turn in the lane closest to the right curb starting from the beginning and ending in the same lane. Make a direction signal. Allow pedestrians who could be crossing your path to go.
What is the safest driving technique? Always drive at a safe speed and be aware of restricted areas and blind spots. Driving safely means following posted speed limits. At the right speed, you can avoid many problems. When driving, show some courtesy by letting others pass if you are traveling slower than traffic.

Safe driving tips . read more

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